Workshops can be informative, educational and entertaining.
Media training for CEOs, professional services, medical, pharmaceutical, corporations and litigation support.
Learn how to make the most of opportunities with the media and increase positive press exposure.
Writing for the media – traditional and online.
The basic rules of writing and news apply, we show you how to prepare, write and pitch your story.
What is PR and how does it work for your industry?
Takes you behind the smoke to show the inner wheels of PR specific to your industry.
Negate negative media; crisis and issues management.
Don't wait for Today Tonight to come knocking on your door. Be prepared for the media with a strategy for dealing with potentially negative press.
How to work with the media?
Journalists are unpredictable creatures. Gain an insight into the mind of a journalist, how they work, thier needds and expectations to increase the chances of your story getting a run.
Brand from the boardroom to the bedroom.
Today, we are all a brand. How you conduct yourself personally has a direct impact on the success of your business. From the boardroom to the bedroom, master the art of influence.
How to be media worthy.
It is not enough to be interesting, special or unique. Media-worth is a whole other different bucket of chips. This informative session will explain just what being 'media worthy' is and how you too can be a master.
Debunking PR myths.
True or false: Vogue will guarantee editorial space if we buy advertising? Advertorial works because readers think it's editorial? Shouting a journo lunch will ensure a story gets a run? If i post often enough on Facebook eventually business will happen.
All is not what it seems when it comes to PR. These myths and many more are busted.
50 ways to market your business
Networking, email marketing, letterbox drops, newsletters, social media, events, competitons and sponsoships are just a few ways to market your business. Discover the right approach for your objective, timeline and budget.
Can PR get me on the television?
The media travel in mysterious ways and it's not just a matter engaging a PR professional and asking them to get you on TV. Learn how the media really works with front line journalists and what can be achieved with PR. Just what is involved in 'getting on the television, and how to make it work in your favour.'
Is your website communicating what you want?
In today's digital age everyone from your local cafe to multinational corporations has a website. How can you ensure your website is doing what you want it to do and conveying the right message to your audience?
Media interviews.
How to prepare and plan for a media interview that will deliver the best possible outcome.
How to measure your brand to get results.
In the marketplace, your brand is so much more than just your logo or marketing strategy. It's the way you do business, your service offering, your customers' experiences and how you build relationships. Learn how to measure your brand and get serious results.
How to write a press release for traditional and online media.
Anyone can write a media release but the test is in whether your story will run or not. Learn the tricks of the trade, how to find your angle and the words to avoid at all costs.